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PrimeX Signals Center

Real-time market insights, seamlessly integrated within your MT5 trading platform.

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Following these 5 simple steps:

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Center Tool
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Enjoy Unlimited Daily Signals

Following these 5 simple steps:

Open Live
Download MT5
for Desktop
Install Signals
Center Tool
Enjoy Unlimited

How to use

PrimeX Signals Center?

PrimeX Signals

Center Features

Strict R/R


we offer you in each single transaction, a high potential profit which can soar up to five times higher than the anticipated loss.

Up to 50


PrimeX provides you up to 50 signals a day in three different patches according to the trading centre.

Up to 50


PrimeX provides you up to 50 signals a day in three different patches according to the trading centre.

Open your

Transactions with Confidence

PrimeX provides you confidence indicators for all the signals so you can choose the ones that suit you, in addition that all trades come with Advanced Technical analysis with support & resistance levels plus the news sentiment indicator to guarantee that you have the full knowledge about the trades you choose to enter.

Live Signals


Stay ahead of the market with real-time updates on trading signals.

Live Signals


Stay ahead of the market with real-time updates on trading signals.

Improve your

Investment Abilities

Get our One-click activation system on MT5 to execute trades instantly with just a click, Enhance your trading experience and sharpen decisions using our advanced signals filter as well as Choosing signals based on confidence level, order type, and instrument group to improve market strategy efficiently.

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Daily Email With

Top Performing Signals

PrimeX signals

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* Disclaimer: PrimeX Broker provides this information solely for educational purposes. PrimeX Broker does not offer financial advice. CFDs are complex instruments with a high risk of loss due to leverage.

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